Monday, March 27, 2006

Well, hell's bells! This is not my idea of where I want to be at this time of the morning! But, it seems a nasty 24-hour virus is going to make its rounds through our house. Knock on wood, I haven't gotten it yet. The two sons had it last week, and now DH has it. Hence, my reason for not being ASLEEP at this ungodly hour. Haven't been able to work on revisions because DH is calling me every 15-20 minutes. Being his 24/7 caregiver really becomes tough when he gets sick like this. Hopefully, I'll get lucky and not catch this bug. He's an end-stage-renal disease patient (dialysis 3x's a week), plus he is wheelchair dependent (amputee with charcot joint in other ankle). Diabetes is one of the most debilitating dieases I've ever seen. It doesn't attack one attacks the entire body. Eyes, heart, lungs, arteries, muscles, nervous system, joints, vascular system, etc. It doesn't result in just kidney failure. Insulin isn't a cure-all. As a matter of fact, I have begun a non-fiction journal/book recounting what we have gone through, especially the past 3 years, due to his diabetes. Well, time for another cup of Colombian Supreme!


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